Sweden’s GoGet has released the next generation of its Room Display 4 software for digital meeting room signage with full remote management, calendar browsing and a new flat design.
The software runs on Android OS tablets and synchronises with existing Exchange or Google Calendar resources, enabling meeting room bookings from Outlook/Gmail or directly from a tablet located outside each meeting room. Customised information including availability, organiser, title and upcoming events is presented on the display.
The new version incorporates full remote management of devices through a web based administration console, enabling configuration and maintenance of multiple device environments from the one location. The design has been reworked with an intuitive flat design interface, and there are now built-in options to change the background image individually for each device as well as the option to add a company logo.
The software is available as licence-only, or integrated in GoGet’s ready-to-use Room Sync display unit.
Source: media release
GoGet: www.gogetcorp.com
Australian distribution
Audio Visual Distributors: (07) 5561 7530 or www.avdistributors.com.au