DPA Microphones used NAB to introduce its latest headset and miniature microphone technology. This includes the d:screet Omnidirectional Miniature Necklace Microphone, the heavy-duty d:screet 4060 and 4061 Omnidirectional Miniature Microphones, and the d:screet Omnidirectional Miniature Mics with reinforced cable relief. Also new are DPA’s d:fine 66 and 88 Headset Microphones.The d:screet Necklace Microphone is currently being used in the Danish adaptation of Big Brother – yes, someone still thinks it’s watchable television. Featuring DPA’s d:screet 4061 Omnidirectional Miniature Capsule in a soft rubber necklace, the d:screet Necklace Mic is convenient for instances when attaching a microphone to the artist’s clothing isn’t practical. The mic offers fast, repeatable, do-it-yourself mounting and is designed specifically for use by non-technicians – even reality TV contestants.
Australian Distributor: Amber Technology 1800 251367 or