Vale Andy Ciddor
AV’s Founding Editor, Andy Ciddor, passes.
“I’m never happier than when I’m at the bottom of a very steep learning curve.” It was one of Andy Ciddor’s favourite mottos. He had a few.
Back in early 2008, Andy said ‘yes’ when I offered him the job as editor of a new magazine we were launching called, AV, and he found himself in his happy place – at the bottom of a steep learning curve. Andy had contributed to technical titles for many years but had never worked on the other side of the editor’s desk, so to speak. He took the task on with his customary intellect, wit and dedication, and produced an excellent first issue, with all major aspects of commercial AV acknowledged, including Andy’s first love, lighting.
A few years later I came to Andy with another idea – an awards program for commercial AV projects. Again, he took the AVIAs on with all the commitment and integrity required to ensure a successful launch.
AV was Australia’s first serious commercial AV title and it was in Andy’s safe hands for some seven years. But, inevitably, Andy needed to be at the bottom of another steep learning curve, and Alchemedia’s loss was AVIXA’s gain, where Andy spent years writing and editing CTS text books. Thankfully, he stayed on at the helm of the AVIAs (as chair of the judging panel) until last year when his failing health prevented him from giving the awards the attention he knew they deserved.
I’ll miss Andy – his curiosity; his technical perspective; his sense of humour. He leaves behind a formidable body of professional work, and I’m grateful that AV is part of that corpus. He might be gone but he will forever remain AV’s Founding Editor.
Christopher Holder
Editorial Director, Alchemedia