Meyer Sound has released four online video tutorials to support users of its Lyon linear sound reinforcement system, the newest addition to its Leo family of line array products:
Lyon Product Introduction
The comprehensive overview outlines the system’s coverage patterns, rigging features, connections, and integration with the 1100-LFC low-frequency control element and the Galileo Callisto loudspeaker management system.
Lyon Array Assembly
A step-by-step tutorial for presetting splay angles, lifting and locking an array, and pullback techniques. It also shows the rigging calculator features in the MAPP Online XT acoustic prediction software.
Lyon Compass Presets and Controls
The module shows the user workflow for optimising a Lyon loudspeaker array, featuring presets in the virtual Galileo Callisto array processor, array configuration in zones, integration of 1100-LFC loudspeakers, and the U-Shaping filters for output equalisation.
Using Array Correction and Delay Integration
The video demonstrates the use of array processing and correction and delay integration for Meyer Sound line array systems.
For more video modules from Meyer Sound, check out the company’s video page here.
Source: media release